Welcome to Love Dynamics

Igniting a global love revolution

Sexual Super Heroes

Marriage is the safest context of sexual engagement. I frown at all forms of sexual involvement outside the marriage institution.

How I Lost My Virginity

Life is best lived looking forward, but it is best understood looking backwards. Nothing just happens, there is a process…

The Value of Virginity

There is dignity and nobility in virginity. This is an undebatable fact. Owing to the fact that virgins seem to…

Once Upon a Virgin

Virgins might be scarce in our society but I fully believe they exist. Nothing sickens me like sexually promiscuous individuals…

The Metamorphosis of Love

Real love is never sudden in nature. It always has a process and a procedure. Those who ignore the valid…

3 Sex Solutions

Sex is pervasive in our generation. A great deal of the relationships in our day are based solely on sexual…