Happy new year friends. I am intensely excited about the possibilities of the New year. There is no better time to take stock of most of the relationships that we have been into in the past year, with a view to strengthening and renewing our commitments to the valuable ones, while discarding the non valuable ones. Unfortunately most of us never stop to think about the validity of the relationships we are in until the inevitable happens.I am of the opinion that few heartbreaks will happen, if we brace up ourselves to confront the facts and not be carried away by the fiction of our love lives. There are a few questions that are worth asking of our relationships in this new year. Let’s run through some strategic ones.
WHAT IS THE STATE OF AFFECTION IN MY LOVE LIFE? Once in love doesn’t necessarily mean always in love. Love leaks, if it isn’t deliberately refilled. Does your partner mean the same thing to you,that they meant to you initially? And vice versa? Is what you are feeling for each other,hot or cold? Is it alive or dead? Is it active or passive? Is it progressive or neutral. Is it true or false? Is it a reality or an assumption? Is it assumed or real? Nothing is as frustrating as riding a dead horse, if what you are in is dead,what are your plans to either rekindle it or retire it?
- WHAT IS THE DIRECTION OF YOUR LOVE LIFE? The days of going out are long gone. Today, smart lovers plot their directions and destinations from the start. Its time for the Methuselah courtships to demand definition from each other. Its time to be clear about where you are going,and what your part in each other’s lives are. The fact that one is going out is not as important as where we are going to.
- WHAT ARE THE FRUSTRATIONS OF YOUR LOVE LIFE? What will you like to change about each other? Have you clearly and lovingly expressed them to each other? What were the pot holes of your love life in the past? What are your plans of either repairing them or avoiding them all together? What were the hindrances to intimacy in the year past? Have those issues being dealt with?
- WHAT ARE THE ASPIRATIONS OF YOUR LOVE LIFE? Have you set clear cut mutual goals for each other concerning the year? When will the marriage be? If married,when are the vacations planned for? What are the developmental goals for each other? What are the intimacy goals? What are the responsibility goals? What are the financial goals? What are your spiritual goals for the year? Are you both going to just drift along the year without concrete plans? Or are you going to demand definite results from the year?
WHAT ARE YOUR CONCLUSIONS AND CONVICTIONS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE THIS NEW YEAR? Is what you have worth saving? Or is it worth dumping? Does it demand your all? Or does it demand your awe? Is it worth fighting for? Or is it worth escaping from? How vigorously will you implement your conclusions and convictions this year? And when?
All these and more are questions you need to ask of yourself as well as your spouse,if this year will be a progressive year in love. Let’s not be carried away by the festivities of the new year,we must realize that it just might be a continuity of the former year for some, If the right actions and decisions aren’t taken about the issues dearest to our hearts. On behalf of all of us at L.D.G, I say Happy New Year. Thanks for connecting to our vision of igniting a global love revolution in our generation. I appreciate you and I look forward to seeing you or hearing from you soon.
Deji Olabode
Love Dynamics Global
Enthronement Assembly Lagos.
@lovedynamix on twitter.
BBpin; 270B1423
* Please note that all enquiries about speaking engagements and professional counseling should be sent by email to the above email address. Thanks.
* Also feel free to download our newly launched Love Dynamics app on blackberry app world. Simply click on the following link and download for free. http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/39425945