- The key to the recovery of love is remembrance
- Love is an action, sustained by actions and it can only be revived by actions.
- Don’t wait until your lover’s reaction to you changes before your action changes towards them. In reality, actions must come before reactions and not the other way around.
- Be realistic. What has been damaged over months and years cannot be perfectly restored overnight.
- Seeds sown on rocky grounds won’t yield a harvest. In love, a positive response is the sign of life and the ray of hope for recovery.
- Do not confuse dying love with dead love. You revive the dying but you bury the dead.
- There is no greater tragedy than the tragedy of aborted love.
- The direct preservation of your love memories is the indirect preservation of the feelings that accompanied those particular events.
- Our actions today become our memories tomorrow.
- Good memories are the leverage for the recovery of love.
- Reliving the good memories of a dead love often reopens the wounds and the hurts of the past to the detriment of the health and the vitality of the grieving lover.
- Investing in a dead love or lover is a pointless waste of your emotional resources. Let it go.