12 Dynamic Love Insights

  1. The beauty of a woman lies in her submission, while the handsomeness of a man lies in his provision.
  2. Whatever you deny your partner of will appeal to them in others.
  3. Most ladies find a providing man attractive
  4. Every woman longs for an island of certainty in our overwhelming ocean of uncertainty
  5. Security and certainty are one of the greatest yearnings of the female soul.
  6. Sexual intercourse is the principal of all marital liberties.
  7. Marriage is a calling to sex. If your agenda is sexual denial please stay out of marriage.
  8. Prayer alone won’t win your husband back; it will take the enticement of excitement to secure and maintain his attention.
  9. In love, our suspicions must never be based upon assumptions.
  10. Life is too short to be lived in commitment to someone who is emotionally distracted.
  11. Most cheats are low on commitment and high on excuses.
  12. The pendulum of love automatically swings in the direction of greater commitment.


4 thoughts on “12 Dynamic Love Insights

  1. Hello sir,
    I’ve been following this blog consistently for over 2months, and I can boldly say that your ministry is adding and multiplying value more than you can think of.
    May God’s grace and resourcefulness continually uphold your ministry.
    Thank you.

  2. Always look forward to ur post sir.I bliv God brought such information my way to avoid me making same mistake again…keep up the gud work!

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