I initially thought of not blogging today to make room for us all to concentrate on the love of our lives. I however decided to pen a few thoughts to make clear my thoughts about such a remarkable day as this. It is obvious that so many people the world over have an erroneous perspective about the day.
EVERY DAY SHOULD BE VAL’S DAY. In my opinion, love shouldn’t be constrained to a day, a week, or a month. It should be our overall disposition to life. Those of us who live our lives on a day to day basis by the love principle see no big deal in a loveday because there is nothing we will do today, that we don’t regularly do for our lover on any given day. Every lover will prefer to settle for 365days of intense love rather than a single day.
MAKE THE DAY ABOUT THE CELEBRATION OF LOVE RATHER THAN LUST. It is painful to acknowledge that valentine’s day has become an anchor point in our generation for mindless indulgence in lustful excesses. The fact is that before today is over, several virginities would have been lost. Several hearts would have been broken. Sexually transmitted diseases would have been transmitted successfully. We must resist this madness and choose to be objective in love. There is no point in ruining a lifetime over 24hrs of lust.
I BELIEVE TODAY SHOULD BE ABOUT BENEVOLENCE AND NOT MATERIALISM. Before we get carried away with the materialism of the day, we must remember that there are many in our environment, who do not have access to the basic privileges of life. Most of them, for a fraction of the resources we will waste on our lovers, will be able to have a great and memorable day. I am not saying we should neglect our partners but we should equally remember to show some love to the less privileged in our environment.
Do extend my heartfelt love to your loved ones and have a love-filled day.
I have been waiting for this,you are absolutely right Sir!