It is true that men and women are sexual creatures. However, their motives and meanings for sex are as divergent as the day and the night. The biggest mistake a man can therefore make is to assume that she is into sex for the same reason he is into it. These contrasting objectives where sex is concerned for both sexes is what makes sexual fulfillment an elusive mystery for many.
SEX IS A MEANS OF NURTURING INTIMACY FOR WOMEN. This is a huge distinction between men and women in the sense that men are more into sex as an activity, as against sex for intimacy by the women. Just about any lady with the right anatomy can get a man sexually turned on. Ladies on the other hand tend to want to feel something deeply, before they do something sexually. Their continued involvement in sex is also a way to keep close to the one they love. The implication for men is that we should get our minds off the activity of sex but rather on intimacy. This will take the entire re-wiring of the man’s mindset and priorities sexually.
- SEX IS A MEANS OF BESTOWING CARE BY THE WOMAN. It is interesting to note that while there is overwhelming statistic to justify that a great deal of women endure but don’t enjoy their sex lives, What amazes me is the fact that they keep yielding to the sexual advances of their men. The reason is because every woman has a caring instinct in her, that wants to meet her lover’s needs, even if her sexual needs aren’t being met. This caring tendency is something men shouldn’t take for granted at all.
- SEX IS A MEANS OF EXPRESSING LOVE FOR THE WOMAN. Except in rare cases, most women see sex as something they do with someone they have given their hearts to in love. Men on the other hand do not have to be in love with a person to have sex with them. Ladies must drill this point into their consciousness. Men must learn not to take their lady’s sexual sacrifices for granted. Despising a woman’s love is a very heartless thing to do.
- SEX IS A MEANS OF SEALING HER COMMITMENT TO HER MAN. In a woman’s mind, sex is a statement of commitment, an expression of her desire for permanence in the life of her man and a verdict that says she is here to stay. This why it is always a major emotional blow for her when he doesn’t get this point and keeps fooling around sexually. Except in extreme cases of female sexual addiction, most women prefer to stick to a single sex partner, provided their needs are being met in the context of that relationship.
SEX IS A MEANS OF EXPRESSING HER TRUST FOR HER MAN. She often is sexually involved because she has come to trust that man and believes in what he represents in her life. One of the seven emotional wonders of a woman,is this her capacity for trust in her man. This is a point we as men must understand, they offer themselves to us as a sign of their trust. Violating that trust by cheating on them sexually is one of the deepest wounds you can inflict on her.
There are a few exceptions to these rules like the female sexual pervert who sees sex as a means of financial exploitation of men. Another is the woman who has lost control sexually and can’t say no to every opportunity to sleep with her, but these are the exceptions rather than the norm. Men must come to terms with their women’s need for intimacy, care, love, commitment and trust, and incorporate it into their sexual offering for her, only then will she be fully fulfilled sexually
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